
Showing posts from 2016
TEAM VOBAB The citizens of America feel aggravated about this years presidential election and they see their hope dissolving. Americans feel that their edrnest work will be for nothing. It makes me sad that no one has attempted to illuminate us when it comes to politics. Peoples breaking point is getting to the size of a capillary . Trump accuses Hilary of not being a good candidate. Donald Trump should be suspended from being a candidate. The debate has hypnotized us into thinking that Donald & Hilary could be president. I think this debate is venomous, the candidate aren't very stolid
                                                                   MY YODA Martin Luther King Jr. Abraham Linking Thomas Jefferson
                                                                  MY BIG QUESTION why does racism still exists? who says that you are higher than some one just cause your white or lower than some one just cause your Asian ?  
coherent:logical and consistent belabor:argue or elaborate eschew:deliberately avoid using; abstain from acquisitive:excessively interested in acquiring money or material things emulate:match or surpass banal:so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring excoriation:censure or criticize severely congeal:solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling carping:difficult to please; critical substantiate:provide evidence to support or prove the truth of temporize:avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time largesse:generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others tenable:able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection insatiable:impossible to satisfy reconnaissance:military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features germane:relevant to a subject under consideration ramify:form branches or offshoots; spread or branch out intransigent:unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about...
                                                        VOCABULARY LIST #4 INTERMITTENT: occurring at irregular intervaisinot continuous or steady EBB: the movement of the tide out to sea REGRESS: return to a former or less developed TENDENCY: an indication toward a particular character or type of behavior ANTISEPTIC: of, relating, or denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms  
                                                                 ANCIENT STORIES    How is the language in this text similar to and/or different from the language you use in everyday conversation?    A: It is different from the language we use in everyday conversation is the talking animals. It can be similar in people discussing different ways to solve a problem or help someone when all the animals wanted to help the woman that fell from the sky.  Because it began as an oral story, "Earth on Turtle's Back" can be found in multiple text versions.  How important is it for a story to be repeated word for word?  Is meaning em...
                                                                   NOTES FROM THIS WEEK               8-16-16 THEME: central message TONE: the author's attitude towards the characters, the topic, and the audience MOOD: what the reader feels                                                          ...
                                                   The Earth On The Turtles Back i really liked how the animals all tried to help the Skyland women even though she wasn't one of them but what i didn't understand was how that bit of earth became the whole world.